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You have no items in your shopping cart. Most of what we design is aimed at embedded control. To provide the best quality we manufacture all our own designs. To keep costs down, we use automatic equipment. That also keeps the quality consistently high. We Support what we Design. We realize that support is almost as important as the product. We provide good documentation and a forum for technical questions. ESP32-01 Breakout and Development Board. LS2 Level Shifter and Buffer.
OpenWrt Atheros AR9331 Development Board Connectors. I recently described a board for hacking on OpenWrt and that also has connectors for adding USB peripherals and custom made PCBs. The AR9331 board is described in the post immediately preceding this one. Here I will describe the connectors in more detail. 2 Type A USB ports.
OpenWrt Atheros AR9331 Development Board Connectors. I recently described a board for hacking on OpenWrt and that also has connectors for adding USB peripherals and custom made PCBs. The AR9331 board is described in the post immediately preceding this one. Here I will describe the connectors in more detail. 2 Type A USB ports.
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